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1. А. Лео 7.08.1860 5:12 dt: 0, Лондон, Великобритания 51°31N 0°06W
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.72
2. А. Лео по ASTRODATABANK 7.08.1860 5:49 dt: -0.02, Westminster, England, England 51°30N 0°09W
Примечание: * British astrologer and author who began his study of reincarnation and karma in 1877. He met H.P. Blavatsky in 1890, and together they founded a Theosophical Lodge. Leo wrote a series of astrological text-books, became the founder of "Astrologer's Magazine" and authored "The Life and Works of Alan Leo." | He married Bessie in 1896, the relationship was platonic. She published his autobiography in 1919 after his death. | Died on 8/30/1917, 10:00 AM, Bude, England. ||ASTRODATABANK : #56|RODDEN RATING : B|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Bio/autobiography|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : Leo, William Frederick|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Data given in his book "Esoteric Astrology."||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Disk Collection:Astrologers|Famous:Top 5% of Profession|Writers:Astrology|Writers:Autobiographer|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Astrology field|Relationship:Term long >15 Yrs:Married 21 years|Relationship:Other relationship:Platonic|Occult Fields:Astrologer:Pro|Writers:Publisher/ Editor:Publisher|Education:Researcher:Reincarnation, karma
3. Агриппа, Генри Корнелиус 14.09.1486 3:24 dt: 0.47, Cologne, Germany, Germany 50°56N 6°59E
Примечание: * German Renaissance man, a soldier, physician, alchemical adept, astrologer and magi. Died 2/18/1535. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1790|RODDEN RATING : DD|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Conflicting/unverified|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Burt Granite quotes Gadbury (September 14 OS). Cirkels quotes Gettings "Book of the Zodiac" for September 15 OS, 2:56:08 AM, Nettesheim, Germany.||CATEGORIES:|Medical:Physician|Military:Military career|Occult Fields:Astrologer|Science:Other Science:Alchemist
4. Акбар Великий 23.11.1542 0:30 dt: 4.65, Umarkot, India, India 25°21N 69°46E
Примечание: * Turkish-Persian mogul, the most famous of Indian monarchs. A sportsman, rider, hunter and warrior ambitious for conquest, he was an economist and great ruler. He had a type of epilepsy and during his attacks had mystical visions, convinced that he was divine. Married, 3 sons, a harem of 5,000 women. Died 10/16/1605, Agra, India, probably of poison. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1807|RODDEN RATING : C|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Accuracy in question|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Vincent A. Smith "Akbar, The Great Mogul" (1917, p.14-19), discusses "The Memoirs of Jahangir", the personal attendent of King Humayun who was present at Akbar's birth. The Persian mms was translated in 1863 and published in 1917, now in British Museum. It gives "Shaban 14, A.H. 949" which equates to 11/23/1542 noted as OS on p.449, at Umarkot, between Hindustan and Sind. The L&L is given in a footnote on p.14. Jahangir makes note that the official date is given as 10/15/1542 (Sunday 5 Rajab) "to confuse hostile astrologers, with that date chosen as it was reputed to be the conception date of the prophet Mohammed." The time is given as "the night of the full Moon", spec time from LMR.||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Sexuality:Extremes in quantity:Harem of 5|000 women|Famous:Historic figure:Most famed monarch|Medical:Epilepsy:Mystical experiences during his attacks|Relationship:Number of marriages:Three wives simultaneously|Famous:Royal family:Turkish-Persian Mogul|Religion/Spirituality:Mystical experience:Visions, convinced he was divine|Military:Military career:Warrior and hunter
5. Ал-Бируни, Абдул 4.09.0973 5:05 dt: 4.02, Kath, Turkestan, Turkestan 41°33N 60°10E
Примечание: * Arabic mathematician, historian, astronomer and astrologer. He was notorious as a gross sensualist, infamous for excesses in food, drink and sex. Died 12/13/1048 OS, Ghazni, Afghanistan. ||ASTRODATABANK : #19253|RODDEN RATING : A|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : From memory|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : Ibn Ahmad, Abdul-Rayhammad|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Roscoe Hope quotes "Arabic Astrology" in AA 6/82. Calculated by Al-Ghadanfar, an Arabic astrologer of some note, a near contemporary of Al-Biruni. Recalculated by Dr. J.K. Fotheringham of Oxford, "the map may be considered as fully authentic." (September 04 OS)||CATEGORIES:|Extraordinary Talents:For Numbers|Science:Astronomy|Science:Mathematics/ Statistics|Sexuality:Extremes in quantity|Writers:Astrology|Disk Collection:Astrologers|Famous:Top 5% of Profession|Mind:Exceptional mind|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 75 extreme at that time|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Astrology field|Sexuality:Other Sexual:Gross sensualist in all areas|Occult Fields:Astrologer:Pro
6. Александра Давид-Неэль 24.10.1868 4:52 dt: 0, Сен-Манде, близ Парижа 49°00N 2°00E
Примечание: К. Обье. Астрологический словарь. М.: Крон-пресс., 1996. Стр. 242. * French mystic and explorer, a scholar, author, orientalist and adventurer. She won world-wide fame for her wanderings through central Asia and was the first woman to enter Lhasa, Tibet.| Died 9/08/1969 in Digne, France. ||ASTRODATABANK : #24155|RODDEN RATING : AA|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Quoted BC/BR|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : David-Neel, Alexandra Eugenie Marie Louise|TIMEZONE : GMT||SOURCE NOTES:| Taeger quotes Dalvit Friis for B.R. in Meridian 4/1989||CATEGORIES:|Disk Collection:Occult/ Metaphysical|Personality:Independent|Personality:Mystical|Travel:Adventurer|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 100|Travel:Explorer:Asia|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Occult field|Writers:Textbook/ Non-fiction:Orientalist
7. Алистер Кроули 12.10.1875 23:43 dt: 0, Лемингтон, Уорвик, Англия 52°17N 1°32W
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.104. Другое время рождения - 22:56, приводит Риндген Б. в книге: "Лилит и Приап", М.: Урания, 2004. (В соавторстве с Дитер Кохом).
8. Анни Безант 1.10.1847 17:29 dt: 0, Лондон, Великобритания 51°31N 0°06W
Примечание: * British-Indian social reformer and feminist at the forefront of liberal movements for 60 years. In 1877, she was arrested and tried on a morals charge for lecturing on birth control. She was married to Frank Besant in 1867, the marriage lasted for six years. From 1907 until her death, she served as the President of the Theosophical Society in India.| Died on 9/20/1933, Adyar, India. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2339|RODDEN RATING : A|TIME ACCURACY : Half hour|DATA SOURCE : From memory|HOW KNOWN : Acquaintance|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : Besant, Annie Wood|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Alan Leo, who knew her personally, rectified the time from a given 5:00 to 5:45 PM. SS No.95 gives 5:20 PM||CATEGORIES:|Politics:Activist/ feminist|Religion:Metaphysical|Writers:Textbook/ Non-fiction|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 86|Criminal Perpetrator:Civil/ Political:Arrested for lecturing on birth control|Book Collection:Profiles Of Women:First edition|Politics:Activist/ social:Social reformer
9. Антарова Кора 13.04.1886 12:00 dt: 1, Варшава, Польша 52°11N 20°58E
Примечание: Время не известно. Данные из биографии к книге "Две жизни".
10. Бейли, Алиса А. 16.06.1880 7:32 dt: 0, Manchester, England, England 53°30N 2°15W
Примечание: * American theosophist, esoteric astrologer and author. Unhappy in youth, she broke away from her early environment when she was 22. She married Walter Evans, an episcopal rector, and had three daughters with him. While studying the occult, she became an evangelist and social worker. In 1919, she made contact with "the Tibetan," two years later she founded her Arcane School. Her second marriage was to Foster Bailey. They organized the International Goodwill Movement together and, by 1939, had centers in 19 countries. Bailey wrote 30 metaphysical books on ancient teachings. | Died on 12/15/1949. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2987|RODDEN RATING : C|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Orig source not known|HOW KNOWN : Business Assoc.|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : LaTrobe-Bateman, Alice|TIMEZONE : GMT (Standard)||SOURCE NOTES:| Rudhyar in AA, 9/1937. Same in SS No.56||CATEGORIES:|Writers:Astrology|Occult Fields:Psychic/ Medium/ Spiritualist|Religion:Metaphysical|Writers:Metaphysics|Occult Fields:Astrologer:Pro|Parenting:1-3 Kids:Three|Relationship:Number of marriages:Two|Childhood:Bad memories:Unhappy
11. Блаватская Е. П. 12.08.1831 1:42 dt: 2, Екатиринослав ныне Днепропетровск, Днепропетровская обл., Украина 48°27N 34°59E
Примечание: Данные из книги "Елена Блаватская" Г. Мэрфи. Рождение по старому стилю: 31.07.1831
12. Блаватская Е. П. по ASTRODATABANK 12.08.1831 2:17 dt: 2.33, Ekaterinslav, Russia, Russia 48°27N 35°00E
Примечание: * Russian spiritualist and mystic, the founder of the Theosophical Society. The daughter of minor Russo-German aristocrats, she was married briefly in early life, after which she spent many years travelling the world in a mystical search for answers. After reaching the U.S. in 1873, she met Colonel Henry Steel Olcott in 1875, together in New York City, they founded the doctrine of Theosophy. She wrote the huge volumes of "Isis Unveiled" in 1877 and "The Secret Doctrine" in 1888. | Died on 5/08/1891, London. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2188|RODDEN RATING : DD|TIME ACCURACY : 6 hours|DATA SOURCE : Conflicting/unverified|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : Hahn, Helena Petrovna|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Wemyss FN No.018, "Sepharial says that HPB herself informed him that it was between midnight of July 31 OS and sunrise of the next day." Same time in SS No.103. H. Whyte, "H.P. Blavatsky," gives, "the night of July 30/31." Davison rectifies to 2:33 AM in AQ, Summer/1956. Leo stated, "Madame B. gave her time of birth to an astrologer in New York on her last visit there. According to her own account, August 12, 40 minutes before sunrise." (4:38 AM LMT) MA, 12/1899, gives 1:42 AM LMT. Cranston, "The Extraordinary Life and Influence of HPB" gives 00:10 AM LMT, p.8||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Profiles Of Women|Occult Fields:Psychic/ Medium/ Spiritualist|Religion:Metaphysical|Religion/Spirituality:Clairvoyant/ Clairaudiant|Writers:Metaphysics|Famous:Founder/ originator:Founder of Theosophy|Sexuality:Celibacy/ Minimal:Minimal|Home:Expatriate:Russia to U.S. to England|Religion/Spirituality:Spiritualist:Spiritualist
13. Бруно Хубер 29.11.1930 12:55 dt: 1, Zurich, Switzerland, Switzerland 47°23N 8°32E
Примечание: * Swiss astrologer who, along with his wife Louise, co-founded the Astrology Psychological Institute, also known as the Swiss School of Astrology, in Zurich. The institute is well known for its professional astrologer training program. | He is the publisher of "Astrologer" magazine and developed the Age Progression method, which led to their book, "The Horoscope As a Life Clock." | He is also the author of "Man and His World." ||ASTRODATABANK : #6836|RODDEN RATING : A|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : From memory|HOW KNOWN : Business Assoc.|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : MET (Standard)|SOURCE NOTES : Jay Jacobs quotes him||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Disk Collection:Astrologers|Famous:Top 5% of Profession|Writers:Astrology|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Astrology field|Famous:Founder/ originator:Co-founder of Huber school|Relationship:Noted partner:Louise Huber|Relationship:Term long >15 Yrs:Louise Huber|Occult Fields:Astrologer:Pro|Business:Business owner:Swiss school|Education:Teacher:Swiss school
14. Булвер-Литтон 25.05.1803 8:00 dt: -0.02, London, England, England 51°30N 0°10W
Примечание: * British writer first published at age 24. His works included "The Last Days of Pompeii," 1834 "Zanoni" and the play, "Richelieu," 1838. Active in politics, he served as a Member of Parliament for 24 years and as Secretary of the Colonies in 1858. | Died on 1/18/1873, Torquay, England. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1992|RODDEN RATING : B|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Bio/autobiography|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| BJA, 7/1926, quotes his autobiography. Same in NN No.258||CATEGORIES:|Disk Collection:Politicians|Writers:Fiction|Writers:Metaphysics|Writers:Playwright/ script|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Disk Collection:Writers: Writing field|Politics:Public office:M.P. 24 years|Work:Job >10 yrs:Member of Parliament for 24 years|Politics:Government employee:Secretary of Colonies
15. Вивекананда 12.01.1863 18:33 dt: 0, 22°40N 88°30E
Примечание: Данные из книги: Индубала дэви даси. Дома и планеты в ведической астрологии. М.: Издатель "Профит Стайл", 2003. - 366с. Чтобы получить гороскоп, с тем положением планет как в книге нужно от указанного времени отнять 18 часов, чтобы это значило?
16. Вивекананда Свами 12.01.1863 6:33 dt: 5.88, Calcutta, India, India 22°32N 88°22E
Примечание: * Indian religious leader, a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna inspired by his teacher to serve men as visible manifestations of God. He visited the U.S. in 1893 for the Parliament of Religions and founded Vedanta in the West in his three-year stay.| Died on 1/04/1902, Samadhi, India. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2558|RODDEN RATING : AA|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Quoted BC/BR|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| M.A. 11/1908, data from F.C. Dutt in Calcutta who quotes B.R. (PC gives 6:45 AM as "recorded.")||CATEGORIES:|Disk Collection:Religious/ Spiritual Leaders|Famous:Top 5% of Profession|Religion:Ecclesiastics/ eastern:Disciple of Sri Ramakrishna|Famous:Founder/ originator:Founder of Vedanta in the West|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Spiritual field
17. Волгин Александр 3.03.1903 3:50 dt: 0, Херсон, Херсонская обл., Украина 46°38N 32°35E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.175
18. Волгин Александр по ASTRODATABANK 3.03.1903 5:45 dt: 2.2, Novaya Praga, Ukraine, Ukraine 48°33N 32°54E
Примечание: * Russian-French astrologer and noted author. Author of "Ruler of the Nativity," 1974 and "Arabic Parts."| Died 6/23/1976, Nice, France. ||ASTRODATABANK : #4081|RODDEN RATING : A|TIME ACCURACY : Five minutes|DATA SOURCE : From memory|HOW KNOWN : Business Assoc.|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Taeger quotes Lescaut, "personal statement." Steinbrecher quotes him in his book "Ruler of Nativities" for a rectified time of 5:46:13 AM LMT.| (APA gives March 3, 1893 NS, 5:45 AM, Kherson, Russia)||CATEGORIES:|Disk Collection:Astrologers|Writers:Astrology|Occult Fields:Astrologer:Pro
19. Гурджиев Г. И. 13.01.1877 12:15 dt: 2.5, 40°35N 43°00E
Примечание: Романенко А. В., Жуков Э. Ю., Леньшина И. В. Гороскопы знаменитых людей. Книга 3, - СПб., 1994
20. Гурджиев Г. И. по Израителю 11.01.1873 23:25 dt: 0, Карс 40°35N 43°00E
Примечание: Израитель Б. З. Российская книга карт. - М.: ЦАИ, 1998. - 440с. Стр. 374.
21. Далай Лама XIV (Тензин Гьяцо) 5.07.1933 23:00 dt: 0, Такцэр, пров. Дхоме, Тибет 36°32N 101°12E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.56
22. Даниил Андреев 2.11.1906 8:38 dt: 0, Берлин, Германия 52°27N 13°18E
Примечание: Израитель Б. З. Российская книга карт. - М.: ЦАИ, 1998. - 440с. Стр. 381.
23. Джон Ди 13.07.1527 4:36 dt: 0, Мортлейк, Англия 51°28N 0°16W
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.64
24. Елена Рерих 12.02.1879 8:33 dt: 2, Санкт-Петербург 59°55N 30°15E
Примечание: Шестопалов С. В. Кармическая астрология. - СПб.: Астроакадемия, 1995. Стр. 96.
25. Жан-Поль Сартр 21.06.1905 18:35 dt: 0, Париж, Франция 48°49N 2°20E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр. 49.
26. Иванов Порфирий Корнеевич 19.02.1898 10:01 dt: 0, Ореховка, Луганской губ. 48°24N 39°13E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.170
27. Идея создания ТО высказана на собрании 17 оккультистов и поддержана 7.09.1875 19:00 dt: -5, Нью-Йорк, США Нью-Йорк 40°45N 73°57W
Примечание: Данные из книги "Елена Блаватская" Г. Мэрфи. Космограмма.
28. Идрис Шах 16.06.1924 12:00 dt: 5.83, В Симле (Индия) 31°06N 77°10E
Примечание: Из предисловия к книге: Идрис Шах "Невидимая газель", - М.: САМПО, 2001 г.
29. Карлос Кастанеда 25.12.1925 18:51 dt: 0, Кахамарка, Перу 7°10S 78°31W
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.141
30. Кеплер Иоганн 27.12.1571 14:02 dt: 0, Вейль-дер-Штадт, Вюртенберг Германия 48°45N 8°53E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.147
31. Кох Вальтер 18.09.1895 5:25 dt: 0, Эсслингер близ Штутгарда 48°44N 9°19E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.92
32. Кришнамурти Дж. 11.05.1895 19:30 dt: 0, Маданапал, Индия 13°33N 78°30E
Примечание: М. Латьенс. Жизнь и смерть Кришнамурти. - М.: "КМК, Лтд.", 1993. - 178 с. Стр. 10. Со слов отца. "По западной системе Кришнамурти родился в 12:30 ночи 12 мая 1896 г.". Сейчас разница с Гринвичем - 5ч. Похоже в биографии приведен неверный год рождения, так как все прочие источники указывают на 1895 г. Даже в самой биографии на ст. 5 можно найти: "В 1929 году, в возрасте 34 лет..." В 1929 году Кришнамурти могло быть только 32 или 33 года, если вести отсчет от 1896 г. Остается надеется, что время указано точно.
33. Кришнамурти Дж. по ASTRODATABANK 12.05.1895 0:23 dt: 5.23, Mandanapalle, India, India 13°33N 78°30E
Примечание: * East Indian religious leader, a philosopher and metaphysician from youth. While still a boy, he was promoted as the new Avatar by the Theosophical Society until he rebelled and left the order. He began to preach a doctrine of independent salvation by right conduct, opening centers in the U.S., England and Switzerland, lecturing and writing. It is written that he had a kundalini awakening in August, 1922.| Died of liver cancer 02/17/1986, Ojai, CA. ||ASTRODATABANK : #3629|RODDEN RATING : B|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Bio/autobiography|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Marcello Borges quotes Evelyne Blau "Krishnamurti, 100 Years" (Stewart, Tabori and Chang, NY) "the assisting midwife called to the waiting husband 'Sirsodayam!' meaning that the head is visible. According to Indian tradition, that is the precise moment of birth, neccessary in order to cast a precise horoscope for the child." (00:30 AM Madras time)||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Disk Collection:Religious/ Spiritual Leaders|Famous:Top 5% of Profession|Religion:Ecclesiastics/ eastern|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 90|Home:Expatriate:East India, Europe and U.S.|Writers:Philosophy:Lecturer|Medical:Cancer:Liver|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Spiritual field
34. Кэмпбелл Джозеф 27.03.1904 0:25 dt: 0, Нью-Йорк, США Нью-Йорк 40°45N 73°57W
Примечание: * American writer and leading authority and lecturer on mythology, the psyche and symbolism. | Campbell was the son of a hosiery importer and wholesaler. He had a childhood fascination with "Buffalo Bills Wild West Show", which performed annually at the old Madison Square Garden, with cowboys and sharpshooters. He made many trips with his brother Charles, and sister, Alice, to the American museum of Natural History, which enhanced his interest in the Indian culture. When he was nine years old, he invaded the public library next door to his home, and read all the books about Indians within a year.| Already a " good little anthropologist" as a preparatory student at the Canterbury school in New Milford, he devoured pioneering studies on the pacific people. By the time he entered Dartmouth College, Campbell was ahead of his classmates. He transferred after one year to Columbia University, where he changed his major of Biology to Literature. | Upon completing his BA studies in 1925, he received his MA in 1929 for his Masters thesis. He won a traveling Proudfit fellowship, for the strength of his thesis, to go to the University of Paris in 1927, where he studied Old French and Provencal. Campbell attended the University of Munich in 1928, but returned to New York in 1929. He was greeted by the Wall Street financial debacle two weeks after arriving in the U.S., having a season of unemployment. | For the next five years, he traveled between Woodstock in New York and California. In Carmel, he met John Steinbeck and his wife Carol, settling down with them for awhile. He later sailed up the Alaskan coast with biologist Ed Ricketts, then he taught at his alma mater, the Canterbury school, in 1932-33. H next accepted an offer to teach at the literature department of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, in 1934, where he stayed as a faculty member until 1972. | Campbell became a close friend of German indologist, Heinrich Zimmer, at Columbia. When Zimmer died in 1943, his widow asked Campbell to edit his papers and he devoted the next 12 years to this task. His first book as sole author was "The Hero with a thousand faces," 1949. He became a visiting lecturer at the Foreign Service Institute of the United States Department of State in 1956-73. | Campbell died of cancer of the esophagus 10/30/1987. ||ASTRODATABANK : #4142|RODDEN RATING : A|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : From memory|HOW KNOWN : Relative|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : EST (Standard)||SOURCE NOTES:| Erin Cameron quotes his mom, 1981||CATEGORIES:|Education:Public speaker|Personality:Erudite|Personality:Mystical|Writers:Philosophy|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Disk Collection:Writers|Famous:Top 5% of Profession|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 83|Mind:Extensive education:BA, MA, Masters|Education:Teacher:Canterbury School, Sarah Lawrence|Writers:Publisher/ Editor:Edited Zimmer's papers 12 years |Medical: Cancer:Esophagus|Famous:Historic figure:Linked Eastern and Western thought|Mind:High I.Q./ Mensa level:Notably erudite|Entertainment:TV series/ Soap star:Series on Myth|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Writing field
35. Леонардо да Винчи 14.04.1452 21:40 dt: 0.73, Vinci, Italy, Italy 43°47N 10°55E
Примечание: В книге: Шестопалов С. В. Кармическая астрология. - СПб.: Астроакадемия, 1995. Стр. 107., построена космограмма на 24.04.1452 ?! * Italian renaissance artist, universal genius, inventor, engineer, sculptor and painter. He invented engines of war and built bridges and chariots as an engineer in the science of artillery and sieges. Da Vinci experimented in oft-repeated attempts to build an airplane. | As a sculptor and painter, he was unparallel in his brilliance. His work embodied excellence, beauty, grace and might, though he rarely finished a work of art.| An illigitimate birth stigmatized him. Homosexual, he was charged with sodomy on 4/09/1476 OS, Florence.| Died 5/02/1519 OS, Castle Cloux, France. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1778|RODDEN RATING : AA|TIME ACCURACY : Half hour|DATA SOURCE : Quoted BC/BR|HOW KNOWN : Relative|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| LMR quotes "Leonardo da Vinci," Reynal & Co., which cites a family diary, "A grandson of mine was born April 15, Saturday, three hours into the night." As it was Florentine time and sunset was 6:40 PM, three hours after sunset would be c. 9:40 PM which was still April 14 by modern reckoning. The conversion to NS adds nine days = April 23 NS. PC gives 10:00 PM. Blackwell gives 9:46 PM. Noel Tyl rectifies to 10:30 PM||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Disk Collection:Art/ Design|Disk Collection:Science/ Medicine|Engineer:Mechanical|Extraordinary Talents:For Creativity|Extraordinary Talents:For Visual perception|Mind:Exceptional mind|Science:Astronomy|Science:Mathematics/ Statistics|Sexuality:Homosexual male|Writers:Textbook/ Non-fiction|Criminal Perpetrator:Rapist/ Sex crime:Charged with sodomy|Famous:Historic figure:Historic genius|Disk Collection:Inventor/Originator:Many inventions|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Science, art field|Art:Fine art artist:Sculptor, painter|Entertain/Music:Instrumentalist:Secondary|Entertain/Music:Vocalist/ Pop, Rock, etc.:Secondary
36. Ледбитер Ч. У. 17.02.1847 10:38 dt: 0, Пик-Дистрикт, Чешир, Англия 53°18N 2°00E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.169. "предположительно утром"
37. Лосев А. Ф. 23.09.1893 12:00 dt: 2, Санкт-Петербург (Ленинград), Ленинградская обл., Россия 59°55N 30°15E
Примечание: Космограмма
38. Лосский Н. О. 18.12.1870 12:00 dt: 2, Санкт-Петербург (Ленинград), Ленинградская обл., Россия 59°55N 30°15E
Примечание: Космограмма
39. Мать Тереза 27.08.1910 13:25 dt: 0, Скопе, Югославия 41°59N 21°26E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.81
40. Махатма Ганди 2.10.1869 12:00 dt: 5, Порбандар, Индия 28°35N 77°12E
Примечание: Космограмма из: Шестопалов С. В. Кармическая астрология. - СПб.: Астроакадемия, 1995. Стр. 148.
41. Месмер Франц 23.05.1734 8:00 dt: 0.6, Iznang/Bodensee, Germany, Germany 47°42N 8°58E
Примечание: * German physician who was a pioneer in the practice of hypnotism. His "seances," in which he "magnetized" patients, created a media sensation, but the medical profession considered him a fraud.| Died on 3/05/1815, Meersburg, Germany. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1887|RODDEN RATING : C|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Accuracy in question|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Gunther Menzer quotes Baptism record for the date, time from Menzer and from Hans Taeger.| (PC gave 1733, a misquote of F/N No.110, an untimed chart)||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 80|Healing Fields:Alternative methods:Hypnotism|Famous:Historic figure:Pioneer in hypnosis
42. Мухаммед 20.04.0571 1:25 dt: 4, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia 21°27N 39°49E
Примечание: Мэнли П. Холл Астрология. Ключи к познанию. - М.: Сфера, 2002. Ст. 94. Со ссылкой на Б Сарьянарана Роу.
43. Мухаммед по ASTRODATABANK 20.04.0571 1:25 dt: 2.65, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia 21°27N 39°49E
Примечание: * Arabian founder of Islam. He married at age 23 to Khadiji, a wealthy widow, fifteen years older than he. Only after her death did he become polygamous, with a dozen wives. He heard his call at age 40, writing, teaching and performing miracles. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1768|RODDEN RATING : XX|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Date in question|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Manly Hall in the NAJ 1933 states "recorded" at April 20, 571 AD O.S., 1:25:35 AM LMT. Rao gives the same data as "reproduced from the writings of Professor B. Suryanarian."| Ruth Dewey gives February 9, 575 AD N.S., 3:00 PM from "The Astrological History of Masha'Allah," translated by Kennedy and Pingree, Harvard University Press, 1971, p.127, "Date recorded by Biruni as being Monday, the Khur (eleventh) of the month Dai in the year 41 of Anushirwaf. At the beginning of the 7th hour, with the Sun in the liver of heaven and the ASC in Cancer. Pavardin of the 41st year of Anushirwaf according to the calendar was May 3, 574 AD, and therefore the day was February 7, 575, which was indeed a Monday. this date is from Arabic astrology in the 8th century."| Davison in AQ 7/1960 mentions June 22, dawn. | M.A. 5/1932 states that he was born "about 571 AD, died June 8, 632 AD and noted that Jupiter was conjunct Saturn early September 571.| Councel in AA 12/1946 states "596 and 571 are sometimes proposed, spec april 3, 570 AD O.S."| Granite quotes Fagan in an AFA excerpt for August 20, 570 AD.| Americana encyclopedia states, "Date not certain, somewhere between 570 and 571."| D.S. Willis in MH 10/1980 gives the origin of the Islamic religion as July 15, 622 AD.||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Relationship:Number of marriages:First wife monogomous, then dozens|Famous:Founder/ originator:Founder Of Islam|Famous:Historic figure:Founder of Islam|Religion:Ecclesiastics/ eastern:Islam
44. Николай Рерих 9.10.1874 10:00 dt: 0, Санкт-Петербург 59°55N 30°15E
45. Николай Рерих по Израителю 9.10.1874 12:08 dt: 0, Санкт-Петербург 59°55N 30°15E
Примечание: Израитель Б. З. Российская книга карт. - М.: ЦАИ, 1998. - 440с. Стр. 379.
46. Нострадамус, Мишель де 14.12.1503 12:00 dt: 0.32, St. Remy, France, France 46°46N 4°50E
Примечание: * French physician who lost his wife and two sons to the plague in 1533, after which he retired for ten years. Upon his return as an astrologer, he gained fame for his prophesies in the form of verse entitled "Centuries," 1555.| He died on 7/02/1566, 3 AM, Salon, France. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1796|RODDEN RATING : B|TIME ACCURACY : Fifteen minutes|DATA SOURCE : Bio/autobiography|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Kraum quotes "data recorded from his friend as "around noon," given in Astrology and the Occult Sciences. (December 14, 1503 OS)||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Disk Collection:Astrologers|Disk Collection:Occult/ Metaphysical|Medical:Physician|Occult Fields:Astrologer|Writers:Textbook/ Non-fiction|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Astrology, prophecy field|Relationship:Number of marriages:One|Relationship:Widowed:Plague|Famous:Historic figure:Prophet|Occult Fields:Divination/ Prophecy:Prophet, 100 verses|Parenting:Trouble/ Trauma:Sons died due to plague
47. Омар Хайям 18.05.1048 4:48 dt: 4, Нишапур, Иран 36°00N 59°00E
Примечание: Романенко А. В., Жуков Э. Ю., Леньшина И. В. Гороскопы знаменитых людей. Книга 1, - СПб., 1993
48. Основание Британского Теософского Общества 27.06.1878 12:30 dt: 0, Лондон, Великобритания 51°31N 0°06W
Примечание: Данные из книги "Елена Блаватская" Г. Мэрфи. Космограмма.
49. Открытие ТО (Теос. Об.) и торжественная речь президента - Олкотта 17.11.1875 14:30 dt: -5, Нью-Йорк, США Нью-Йорк 40°45N 73°57W
Примечание: Данные из книги "Елена Блаватская" Г. Мэрфи. Космограмма.
50. Ошо 11.12.1931 12:00 dt: 5, Гадавара, Индия 26°35N 80°20E
Примечание: Космограмма.
51. Парацельс 10.11.1493 10:02 dt: 0, Эйнзидельн, Швейцария 47°08N 8°45E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.123
52. Парацельс по ASTRODATABANK 10.11.1493 10:23 dt: 0.58, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, Switzerland 47°08N 8°45E
Примечание: * Swiss philosopher, the son of a celebrated physician who taught him the rudiments of alchemy, surgery and medicine. He was versed in the magical arts and astrology and made many prophesies.| Paracelsus died 9/24/1541, Salzburg, Austria. ||ASTRODATABANK : #24415|RODDEN RATING : DD|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Conflicting/unverified|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|NAME AT BIRTH : Paracelsus, Phillippus Theophr|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Manly Hall in Astrological Review 3/1935. Kraum gave the same data in NAJ 4/2935 (November 10, 1493 OS). PC gave the same date with 11:00 PM LMT as "date and time spec." Swainson in M.A. 10/1930 gave November 26, 1493 OS, near Zurich. DeLuce in Astrological Bulletina Annual 1952 gave December 14, 1493 OS, 3:22 AM, 3 E.33, 47 N.22. Americana Encyclopedia gives December 17, 1493, Einseideln.||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Occult Fields:Astrologer|Occult Fields:Divination/ Prophecy|Childhood:Family noted:Dad a physician|Medical:Other Medical Vocations:Learned the rudiments of alchemy and surgery|Famous:Historic figure:Prophet, genius
53. Пауло Коэльо родился в Рио-де-Жанейро 24 августа 1947 года в семье инженера. 24.08.1947 14:10 dt: -3, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия 22°54S 43°10W
54. Первая строка книги Зов 24.03.1920 12:00 dt: 0, Лондон, Великобритания 51°31N 0°06W
Примечание: Космограмма по "Краткая биография Е. И. Рерих".
55. Развитая душа по А. Лео 16.12.1875 14:20 dt: 0, 35°00N 70°10E
Примечание: А. Лео "Эзотерическая астрология"
56. Рао К. Н. 12.10.1931 7:55 dt: 5.5, 16°13N 81°12E
Примечание: Данные из книги: Индубала дэви даси. Дома и планеты в ведической астрологии. М.: Издатель "Профит Стайл", 2003. - 366с. В книге почему-то указана западная долгота и судя по всему это опечатка.
57. Рафаэль I 19.03.1795 9:17 dt: 0, Бристоль, Великобритания 51°26N 2°35W
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.184
58. Региомонтан 6.06.1436 15:50 dt: 0, Кенигсберг, Франкония, Германия 48°10N 10°00E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.47
59. Сведенборг Эмануил 8.02.1688 5:30 dt: 1.2, Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden 59°20N 18°03E
Примечание: * Swedish writer and educator, brilliant and eclectic student of fields that ranged from physics and astronomy to the Bible. He worked on the Board of Mines, 1716.| In 1745 he had a transcendent religious experience in which God commissioned him to present a new revelation based on the premise that Heaven and Hell are not places, but states of being. He wrote a series of books describing Heaven and Hell and the New Jerusalem.| Died 3/29/1772, London, England. ||ASTRODATABANK : #1861|RODDEN RATING : C|TIME ACCURACY : Half hour|DATA SOURCE : Orig source not known|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Leo in MA 4/1892. PC quotes NN No.023 for 6:00 AM LMT. 1/29/1688 OS, same date in Britannica.||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Mind:Exceptional mind|Religion/Spirituality:Mystical experience|Writers:Metaphysics:A new revelation|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 84|Education:Teacher:Physics, astronomy, Bible|Occult Fields:Divination/ Prophecy:Remarkable visionary|Religion/Spirituality:Out of Body experience:Spoke with God
60. Серафим Саровский 30.07.1759 19:34 dt: 0, Курск, Курская обл., Россия 51°42N 36°12E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.68
61. Серафим Саровский 2 31.07.1759 1:34 dt: 0, Курск, Курская обл., Россия 51°42N 36°12E
Примечание: Другой вариант упоминаемый в книге: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.68, - С.С. может быть двойным Львом, т.е. Солнце и Асц во Льве.
62. Сергей Вронский 25.03.1915 4:10 dt: 3, Москва 55°35N 42°00E
63. Сефариал 20.03.1864 2:07 dt: 0, Хэндсворт, Англия 52°31N 1°55W
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.184
64. Синнет А.П. 18.01.1840 23:30 dt: -0.02, London, England, England 51°30N 0°10W
Примечание: * British journalist, editor and author. He was the editor of the Hong-Kong "Daily Press" at the age of 25 and editor of "The Pioneer" in India in 1872. Sinnett joined Theosophy in 1879 with his wife and became active in the movement from 1881. He was the author of "The Occult World" and "Esoteric Buddhism." He and his wife had one son. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2270|RODDEN RATING : C|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Orig source not known|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)|SOURCE NOTES : M.A. 8/1921||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Writers:Metaphysics|Writers:Publisher/ Editor
65. Успенский П. 5.03.1878 4:49 dt: 0, Москва, Московская обл., Россия 55°45N 37°35E
66. Флоренский П. А. 21.01.1882 15:58 dt: 0, Евлах, Азербайджан 40°37N 47°08E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.155
67. Флоренский П. А. по Израителю 21.01.1882 12:20 dt: 0, Евлах, Азербайджан 40°37N 47°08E
Примечание: Израитель Б. З. Российская книга карт. - М.: ЦАИ, 1998. - 440с. Стр. 252.
68. Франсуаза Робен (известная ясновидящая 70-х) 15.11.1930 8:00 dt: 0, Лион, Франция 45°43N 4°57E
Примечание: К. Обье. Астрологический словарь. М.: Крон-пресс., 1996. Стр. 414.
69. Хармс Д. 30.12.1905 1:02 dt: 0, Ленинград (Санкт-Петербург), Ленинградская обл., Россия 59°55N 30°15E
Примечание: Израитель Б. З. Российская книга карт. - М.: ЦАИ, 1998. - 440с. Стр. 157.
70. Хартман, Франц 22.11.1838 14:30 dt: 0.72, Donauworth, Bavaria, Bavaria 48°43N 10°46E
Примечание: * American occultist and prominent member of the Theosophical Society in its early days. He was a prolific writer on subjects connected with Theosophy and the occult. Among his many books, he wrote of the lives of Paracelsus and Boehme, "Occult Science in Medicine" and "Geomancy."| Died on 8/07/1912, Kempton, Bavaria. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2258|RODDEN RATING : A|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : From memory|HOW KNOWN : Acquaintance|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Shirley quotes him in M.A., 10/1912, correcting Alan Leo as Leo had given 2:00 AM in M.A., 6/1896.||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Disk Collection:Occult/ Metaphysical|Writers:Metaphysics:Wrote on Theosophy and the occult
71. Холл Мэнли Пальмер 18.03.1901 4:57 dt: -5, Peterborough, Canada, Canada 44°18N 78°19W
Примечание: * American astrologer, philosopher and author of over a hundred books and essays, the founder and president of the "Philosophical Research Society" in Los Angeles. | He had a Doctorate in Literature, was a 33rd Degree Mason and an occultist all of his life. His library had in excess of 50,000 books, manuscripts and artifacts, and Hall was a specialist in Oriental studies.| He was physically and mentally an immense man, exceptionally well-read, with a remarkable memory and speaking ability.| Died on 8/29/1990, Hollywood, CA. ||ASTRODATABANK : #3965|RODDEN RATING : DD|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Conflicting/unverified|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : EST (Standard)||SOURCE NOTES:| LMR quotes the Philosophical Research Society, 1983. The PRS wrote to LMR that the birth was between 5:00 and 6:00 AM, rectified by Paul Grell to 4:57 AM, a time accepted by Hall. C.L. gave 2:08 AM EST from his own chart, rectified by him to an ASC of 29 Sagittarius 01. LeGros in Dell, 8/1958, gave 5:19 AM LMT, "according to his own data." PC quotes SS No.425 for 2:00 AM||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Education:Teacher|Death:Long life >80 yrs:Age 89|Famous:Founder/ originator:Founded the Philosophical Research Society|Relationship:Term long >15 Yrs:Long term relationship|Body:Weight:Mobidly obese|Occult Fields:Astrologer:Published
72. Шри Ауробиндо Гхош 14.08.1872 23:06 dt: 0, Калькутта, Индия 22°32N 88°20E
Примечание: Знаменитости в каждом градусе Зодиака. 360 гороскопов. Сборник. Составитель Масликов С. Ю. - Томск: "Зодиак", 1998. - 192 с. ил. Стр.72. Родился 15.8.1872
73. Шри Ауробиндо Гхош по ASTRODATABANK 15.08.1872 5:00 dt: 5.88, Calcutta, India, India 22°32N 88°22E
Примечание: * Indian religious leader and writer, a guru. He was well educated with a successful mundane life before he founded his City of Light Ashram in Pondicherri, India. His writings exemplify the highest in Indian thought. "Mother Mira" Richard worked with him in the Ashram and carried on after his death on 12/05/1950, Pondicherry. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2766|RODDEN RATING : B|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Bio/autobiography|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Marion March quotes "Auroville:City of the Future" (Fisher Books)||CATEGORIES:|Religion:Ecclesiastics/ eastern|Religion:Spiritual Leader/ Guru|Sexuality:Celibacy/ Minimal|Writers:Philosophy|Book Collection:Occult/ Misc. Collection|Disk Collection:Religious/ Spiritual Leaders|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Spiritual field
74. Шри Рамакришна Парамахамса 18.02.1836 6:23 dt: 5.5, 23°53N 87°44E
Примечание: Романенко А. В., Жуков Э. Ю., Леньшина И. В. Гороскопы знаменитых людей. Книга 1, - СПб., 1993
75. Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху 18.02.1486 16:42 dt: 5.5, Надия, Индия 23°23N 88°25E
Примечание: Данные из книги: Индубала дэви даси. Дома и планеты в ведической астрологии. М.: Издатель "Профит Стайл", 2003. - 366с.
76. Штейнер Рудольф 25.02.1861 23:15 dt: 0.97, Kraljevica, Hungary, Hungary 45°16N 14°34E
Примечание: * Hungarian writer, philosopher and founder of a school for the liberal arts in 1913. His autobiography is, "Mein Lebensgang" in 1924.| Steiner died 3/30/1925 Dornach, Switzerland. ||ASTRODATABANK : #2519|RODDEN RATING : AA|TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined|DATA SOURCE : Quoted BC/BR|HOW KNOWN : Media|DATA TYPE : Public Figure|TIMEZONE : LMT (Local Mean)||SOURCE NOTES:| Marion March quotes B.R. given by Gerhard Wehr "Rudolph Steiner," published in Frieberg, 1983. (February 27, as sometimes given, was the date of his baptism.) The location later became Yugoslavakia, Kraljewec may be found on a Polish map. Steinbrecher gives an L&L of 15 E.40, 46 N.00. Nandan Bosma sends a Xerox copy of a letter from Steiner giving his own data as February 25, 1861 with an hour of 11:07 PM LMT.| (Formerly, SS No.865 gave 11:15 PM, old file had 11:30 PM and Pawnall gave 1:00 PM in AJ Spring/1961, but for the wrong date of February 27, 1861)||CATEGORIES:|Book Collection:American Book|Disk Collection:Writers|Writers:Autobiographer|Writers:Philosophy|Writers:Textbook/ Non-fiction|Education:Teacher:Lecturer|Disk Collection:Greatest Hits:Writing field
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